Forgotten Fighters: Heroes of the Anglo-Kuki War, Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
Forthcoming in 2022
The Anglo-Kuki War, 1917–1919: A Frontier Uprising against Imperialism during the First World War, Sep 19, 2018 Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
This book explores the Kuki uprising against the British Empire during the First World War in Northeast frontier of India (then Assam-Burma frontier). It underlines how of the three-year war (1917–1919), spanning over 6,000 square miles, is crucial to understanding present-day Northeast India. The essays in the volume examine several aspects of the war, which had far-reaching consequences for the indigenous population as well as for British attitudes and policy towards the region – including military strategy and tactics, violence, politics, identity, institutions, gender, culture, and the frontier dimensions of the First World War itself. The volume also looks at how the conflict affected the larger dynamics of the region within Asia, and its relevance in world politics beyond the Great War. Drawing on archival sources, extensive fieldwork and oral histories, the volume will be a significant contribution to comprehending the complex geopolitics of the region. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of South and Southeast Asian Studies, area studies, modern history, military and strategic studies, insurgency and counterinsurgency studies, tribal warfare and politics.
India’s Look East Policy and the Northeast, New Delhi: Sage Publications, Feb 9, 2015.
The Why, What and Where of India’s Look East Policy and the Role of Northeast
… And then one day a wall in Berlin came down. Bipolar world became multi polar, calling for greater regional integration. Foreign policy choices were reoriented and India was no exception. It had begun to look east and northeastern states became a factor. But has the new policy succeeded in achieving what it strove for? Have the northeastern states benefitted from being the gateway of India to look east, or does New Delhi still suffer from myopia? In this incisive analysis of the Look East policy, the book unravels the past and future of this policy with a critical gaze on its present.
The Kukis of Northeast India: Politics and Culture Bookwell, Jan 1, 2013
This book brings together a number of essays dealing with various aspects of Kuki politics and culture. The objectives are to understand and highlight the traditional system of Kuki politics and administration, trace the genesis and evolution of Kuki autonomy movements in Northeast India, and to assess the value of the rich cultural heritage of the Kukis and its changes. The contributors critically analyse, debunk and generate debate on some of the prominent views on Kuki politics and espouse the need for cultural renewal and therefore uncover the underlying niche for the Kukis.