Language and Nomenclature Imbroglio, and Kuki Nation-Building

By Thongkholal Haokip Paper presented at Second Workshop on Kuki Society: Kitho Kitna Lampi, Guwahati, October 19-20, 2010. The word “Kuki” is a generic classification of ethnic groups that spread throughout the Northeastern region of India, Northwest Burma and Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. B.C. Allen et. al., describe the home of the Kukis as “mountainous tracts lying between Burma, […]

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What’s in a name? Perspective and approach to our language problem

Ateh akhang in eiho folk tale a Khupting le Ngambom kilungsetna thusim ihet u tobang Romeo le Juliet kingailutna hi atamjon ihetkhah cheh diu kagingchai. Shakespeare play a Romeo Montague le Juliet Capulet hinkho thusim hi lungngaito a kijih hijong leh amani kilungsetna thusim hi tutu a eiho nam sung’a dia vetton thei, kihilna le chepi theitah din kamun ahi. […]

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